Title1 – General Principles


  • Article 1

To Cameroonians counterparts adhering to the present charter, a Political Party, the “Reformer’s Movement” abbreviated RM and called “The Movement”, is created

The Head-quarters of “The Movement” is in Yaoundé. It can be transferred to whatever part of the country upon the Political bureau’s decision with regards to the circumstances. Its rallying external sign is the right hand on the chest, symbolising the patriotic commitment of Reformers and their strong will to conquer power from the depths of Cameroonians’ heart.


  • Article 2

“The Movement’s” objective is to contribute to the Universal votes within the respect of republican values, as expressed in our motto: Peace –Work –Fatherland, which are fundamental principles consecrated by the constitution, of national unity and the independence of the Nation.

“The Movement” is aspiring to promote values of Unity, liberty and modernity, for the sake of Cameroon. It acts for the sake of social, cultural and economical development of Cameroon, its world- wide emergence, the construction of the free, united and democratic Africa and peace in the world. “The Movement” stands for a total freedom of intellectual debate from within, in accordance with the principle of freedom of speech as in line with the respect of its Statues and its Rules and regulations.


  • Article 3

Members of “The Movement are physical persons who have freely and individually adhered and acquitted themselves from their annual contributions.

No one belonging to another Political Party or association of Political Parties can be a member of the Movement. Anyone failing to renew his /her annual contributions for two consecutive years automatically loses his quality of member.

The membership is also lost by dismissal or resignation. All the members of “The Movement” commit themselves to obeying and respecting the following statutes as well as the Rules of “The Movement”


  • Article 4

The functioning of “The Movement” lies on democratic principles, rendered by votes of its members. The duration of mandates of “The Movement” is four years for the National Running organs and divisional federations and two (02) years for the other organs.

Democratic principles are applied in the appointment of the leading instances of “The Movement” as well as for the nomination of “The Movement”‘s candidates at various country elections. Members of “The Movement” are consulted in view of their nomination in line with conditions established by the party’s rules and regulations.


Title II – The General organization


Article 5

The instances and Running of “The Movement” are:

  • Territorial committees
  • The congress
  • The National Council
  • The orientation committees and National commissioners
  • The political bureau
  • The General Secretary and Deputy General Secretaries
  • The President and Vice-President


Title III – Territorial Organization of the Movement


  • Article 6

The basic territorial entity of “The Movement” is the division. Each division is organized in the form of a divisional federation. Other sections of The Movement can also be constituted, on territorial bases of electoral district or territorial administrative units (sub-divisions, districts and city councils) upon agreement by the divisional committee concerned.

The Divisional committee watches over the coherence of The Movement’s divisional organization within the division and keeps the Political bureau informed.

At the national level, on a specialised bass by the Political bureau’s decision. Every section of The Movement is represented by a Movement’s committee.


  • Article 7

The divisional committees are made of ex officio members. (Members of the National Running Organs, members of Government, MPS, regional counsellors, Municipal counsellors) and elected members. The number of members to be elected in each section is proportional to the number of its adherents in the federation. The divisional committee is made up of a minimum of 72 elected members.

The Rules and Regulations of the Party precise the conditions of acquisition and loss of the quality of ex officio member. Committees of other territorial sections and specialised sections are nominated in accordance with conditions prescribed by the Party’s Rules and Regulations.


  • Article 8

The President of the divisional committee is elected by the divisional committee.

The delegate of any other territorial committee is the representative of the Movement’s members in the said territory. He calls the committee meetings, and with the divisional secretary, draws the agenda. He chairs meetings. He also takes handles the organization of the internal life aspects of the committee and implements the directives. He watches over the Unity of the Movement and to the freedom of speech of each member within the committee.

The Presidents of the divisional committees are ex officio members of the National Council.


  • Article 9

Each divisional federation comprises a divisional secretary, appointed by the political bureau upon proposal by the Movement president.

This appointment is submitted to the confirmation by the divisional committee, on a simple majority vote. In case of disagreement, the political bureau, on the movement’s president’s proposal proceeds to another designation in the same conditions. In the absence of the secretary and in case of emergency, a representative acting as a secretary is appointed by the Movement’s president.

The secretary has as mission to execute the decisions taken by national instances in his division. He organises the votes of The Movement. He presents onto the divisional committee a clear activities report every year, in respect to the rules and regulations of the Party.

He is a full member of the National Council. Each divisional federation shall elect a bureau in the conditions stated by the party’s rules and regulations


  • Article 10

The finances of the divisional federations comprise:

  • A national annual grant determined by the political bureau.
  • Members’ contributions, distributed at the territorial levels according to the conditions fixed by the political bureau.
  • A contribution from elected members bearing such a clear identity and fixed by the divisional committee.
  • Other resources authorised by the Cameroonian legislation on political parties.
  • The divisional treasurer is appointed by the divisional committee on the approval of the national treasurer. He is accountable unto them as far as the funds he manages are concerned. Once his appointment is ratified, the treasurer becomes an ex officio member of the divisional committee.


  • Article 11

Each divisional committee exercises disciplinary power vis à vis its members, under the reserve of the dispositions of title V. The sanctions the members can suffer from are suspension or dismissal. These sanctions can be appealed at the national commission of recourses. These decisions can be published.


  • Article 12

Cameroonians living in foreign countries shall constitute a federation that sprays out the principles and the movement’s project abroad.

It brings together the Movement’s members living in foreign countries, and functions according to specific rules and regulations, adopted by the political bureau on reserve of the following dispositions:

The federation is divided into sections, each section being made of a country or a group of countries. Sub-sections can also be constituted in each town of a given country on the agreement of the federal committee.

Each section is presided by a delegate with a two-year mandate on a one round vote by the all members during the general assembly of the section so as to permit foreign vote casts.

The federation is ruled by a secretary, appointed by the political bureau on the proposal of the movement’s president, after the federal bureau’s opinion. The secretary watches after the implementation of directives stated by the political bureau.


  • Article 13

The federal committee of Cameroonians of the Diaspora is made up of the gathering of section committees of the federation on the basis of two elected members plus one member appointed by the political bureau.


Title IV – Instances and National Running Organs


The congress


  • Article 14

The Congress is the General Assembly of the Movement. It is made of all the members who have paid their contributions. It deliberates on the movement general action as well the political orientations.

It chooses the candidate The Movement must back during the elections for the presidency of the Republic. Congress votes can be carried out electronically, in voting points organised by divisional federations during plenary assemblies, or on the decision of the political bureau.

The Congress meets every four (04) years and can be convoluted in an extraordinary session. In such a case, the political bureau decided on the modalities and the injury date of organization of the extraordinary congress.


The National Council


  • Article 15

            The National Council is composed of:

  • The president and vice presidents;
  • The General secretary and Deputy General Secretaries
  • The National Treasurer;
  • The Movement’s MPs and senators;
  • Members of Government in office;
  • Former presidents of the Republic and prime ministers;
  • Presidents of Regional councils and movement’s mayors,
  • President and secretaries of divisional committees
  • Divisional Officials of Youths,
  • Delegates of Cameroonians in foreign countries
  • Delegates of divisional federations elected by members in line with conditions stated by the political bureau.

The National council shall meet at least once every two years and deliberate on the Agenda drawn by the political bureau.

Decisions of the national council shall be taken on a majority basis votes.


  • Article 16

The National council is in charge of defining, in the interval of the Congress sessions the political orientations of the Movement.

It shall deliberate on the rules and regulations, on the proposal the political bureau, take every necessary dispositions for the implementation of the present statutes and good functioning of the party.

It shall state on the electoral nominations, on the reserve of the dispositions stated in article 14


The Orientation Commission and the National Commissioners


  • Article 17

The Orientation Commission is made up of national commissioners. It is in charge of the follow up of the elaboration or the implementation of the political project of the Movement as well as the representatives Assemblies


  • Article 18

National Commissioners shall be appointed by the National bureau on the proposal of the president. They are responsible for the activities and the reflection of the movement in the main domains related to public life, the national, African and international political life. They render account to the orientation commission, the Political Bureau and the National council. Their number and attributions are fixed by the political bureau, on the proposal of the president.


The Political Bureau


  • Article 19

The political bureau is composed of the movement members, in the following conditions:

  • The president and vice presidents of the Movement;
  • The General secretary and the Deputy General secretaries;
  • The National Treasurer;
  • Six (06) Delegates appointed by the Movement’s President;
  • Twelve (12) members elected by the National Council in line with the conditions stated by the party’s rules and Regulations;
  • The former Presidents of the Republic, the prime minister in office and the former prime ministers;
  • The presidents of the National Assembly, parliamentary groups of the National Assembly, the senate;
  • Former presidents of the Movement


  • Article 20

The Political Bureau runs the Movement in the interval of the National council sessions. It holds its meeting on the convocation of the President who defines the Agenda or on the request of one –third of the members of the National council on a precised agenda. Its deliberations are validated on the majority of votes, in the presence of at least half of the members. Once the quorum is not met, a new meeting of the political bureau shall be called during which the bureau deliberates without quorum condition.


  • Article 21

Before any national vote, the political bureau shall appoint a national nomination commission.


The President


  • Article 22

The movement’s president is elected on a universal vote by the totality of members, on a one tour majoritary suffrage. The voting modalities are stated by the Movement’s Rules and Regulations.

The organizing and Control Committee of the electoral operations is in charge of appreciating the validity of the candidatures and watches over the equity and fairness during the propaganda operations and voting process.


  • Article 23

The President presides over the national entreaties and assures the execution of their decisions. He represents the movement in all the acts and aspects of the civil life.

He is assisted by vice presidents and a General Secretary elected in the same condition as him on the same ballot paper. In case of unavailability he is replaced by one of the vice presidents appointed by the political Bureau. The number of vice –presidents is determined by the National council.


The National Secretary


  • Article 24

The National Secretary animates the daily life of the Movement and looks after its organization.

He submits the activities report of activities to the political Bureau and to the National council.

He is assisted by deputy General Secretaries appointed by the President. Their number is determined by the political Bureau.


Title V – The Instances of Control


The commission in charge of organizing and controlling electoral operations


  • Article 25

Prior to the congress, the National Council shall elect in its midst a 9-member commission in charge of organizing and controlling the electoral operations.

The first 7 are main members whereas the last two are substitutes.

The commission is appointed to prepare and organize voting operations on the national and territorial levels. It’s also responsible for the follow up of the vote’s regularity and is accountable to the Political Bureau.


The National Commission of recourse


  • Article 26

This commission is made up of nine (09) members, elected by the National council


  • Article 27

In case an application for adherence is rejected the applicant can appeal to the National commission of recourse. The decision of this commission is of no recourse.





  • Article 28

The National Commission of recourse can handle cases of recourses introduced by applicants in disciplinary decisions taken against them. It cares for the right of the defence to be fulfilled in the exercise of the disciplinary power.

When a committee decides to take a sanction over one of its members, holder of an elective, executive or legislative mandate, it can only release the said decision after the Political Bureau’s decision.

In whatsoever case, the National commission for recourse statutes in the last resort. Its decision is henceforth notified to both parties.


  • Article 29

At the request of the Political Bureau, the National commission for recourse expresses its opinion on any infraction to statutes or decisions of entreaties and organs running committed by a member or a committee. It shall, if necessary, interview the said member or committee.


  • Article 30

Three months prior or one month after each election the Political Bureau can pronounce onto a member, regardless of his position, one of the sanctions stated by the statutes, if he violated decisions taken within the framework of candidature or nomination.

Applications for reintegration are examined by the territorial committee if the exclusion was pronounced by the said committee, and by the Political Bureau in the other cases.

In case of emergency and specifically during the electoral period, the Movement President can make use of statutory sanction power. The sanction is thereby submitted to the Political Bureau in the shortest delay.


The Permanent Commission of statutes, Rules and Regulations


  • Article 31

A permanent commission for statutes is elected by the National council on the proposal of the Political Bureau or the National Council.

The rules and regulations of the Movement clearly precise the conditions of application of the statutes.

It is adopted by the congress and can be modified by the national council.

The proposals for modification of the statutes or rules and Regulations coming from members shall be directed to the Political Bureau for examination.


The board of Trustees


  • Article 32

The board of trustees of the Movement is made up of former presidents and former General Secretaries and personalities chosen by the national council because of their length of service.

It examines all the cases of trail involving the honour and integrity of an elected personality of The Movement. It is informed of the least lack to the movement deontology. The board meets at the request of the political bureau and can hear the person involved on its request.


Title VI – On finances and financial management


  • Article 33

Resources of the Movement come form members’ contributions, public finances in line with the law, cultural and economic activities income of the Movement as well as any other resources authorised by the law.


  • Article 34

The contributions rates are fixed by the Political Bureau every year. The contributions are paid unto the National Financing Unit.


  • Articles 35

The National Treasurer, elected by the political bureau on proposal of the President, is responsible the management of the Movement’s Funds.

He shall request the National council to pronounce itself on the provisional budget and give it account on his management. He shall preside over the National Financing Unit (N F U)

This National Financing Unit is in charge of collecting the Movement’s Funds. It shall assist the national treasurer in the elaboration of provisional budget. The financial management control commission shall give an opinion on the provisional budget and on its execution


  • Article 36

The financial management control commission is made up of five (05) members elected by the political bureau.

In case of equal votes score, the President’s voice is preponderant. Members of the commission are ex officio members of the National Financing Unit board of administrators.


  • Article 37

The financial management control commission shall check the management of the National Treasurer. It shall henceforth meet to give an opinion on:

  • Accounts before their remittance to the National accounts commission for campaigns and political financing;
  • Prior to the presentation of the budget to the political bureau, it can meet on the request of at least three (03) of its members in order to amend the Movement’s financial management. These recommendations are rightly transmitted to the political bureau.


Title VII – On the Statutes Revision


  • Article 38

The present statutes can be revised by the congress either on an absolute majority vote basis, on the proposal of the political bureau or at least one third of the members of the National council, after the opinion of the statutes permanent commission.


Titles VIII – The Movement’s Reflection –Action circle


  • Article 39

The Movement disposes of a Reflection-Action circle whose aim is to carry out studies, reflections, colloquiums, training and whatsoever releases necessary to the realisation of the Movement’s objectives or moreover whatever support that can enlight, by its works, the activities of the Movement’s elected persons.


  • Article 40

The Reflection Action circle disposes of a budget made of its own resources and a Movement’s grant fixed by the political bureau. This grant cannot be less than 5% of the public finances granted to the Movement.


  • Article 41

The circle is ruled by a twelve member’s board of administrators, appointed by the political bureau.

The Movement’s president, vice presidents and General Secretary are ex officio members.

The board of administrators shall appoint a president, a treasurer and general secretary of the circle to take care of its management.


  • Article 42

The activity of the circle is followed up by a Movement scientific council, made of qualified personalities, reknown for their competences in questions related to the evolution of the society, economy, culture, science, ethics, environment, international relations, of Africa and the World. These resources personalities are appointed by the circle’s president after consultation and opinion of the political bureau and the orientation commission.

The circle takes care of the secretariat and animates the civil society council, composed of non elected personalities who are representatives of the diversity of the Cameroonian society and appointed by the political bureau.



Title IX – The Movement’s Social welfare Centre.


  • Articles 43

The Movement possesses a social welfare centre, aiming at performing social actions as well as charitable actions on behalf of the poorest members and populations.


  • Article 44

The centre is holder of a budget made of its own resource and a movement’s grant, defined by the political bureau. This grant cannot be less than 5% of the public finances granted to the Movement.


  • Article 45

The center is managed by a twelve member’s board of administrators, appointed by the political bureau. The President, the Vice –Presidents and general secretary are ex officio members. The board of administrators appoints a President, a Treasurer and General Secretary of the centre, in charge of its management.


  • Article 46

The activity of the centre is followed up by a social and charitable council of the Movement, made of qualified personalities, well known for their competences in questions related to social issues and poverty. These personalities are appointed by the president of the centre after the political bureau and the orientation commission’s opinion.


Titles X – On the Dissolution of the Movement


  • Article 47

The dissolution of the Movement shall be pronounced by the Congress, at the majority of two-third of votes, and on the National Council’s proposal.